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That feeling you get when the flights are approaching and you're ready for your Exchange week – only to realise you booked it for next year.

7Across Member Sarah turned this travel fail into two memorable holiday stories.

"I booked an exchange holiday to New Zealand – planning to spend a week in the Bay of Islands and another in Wanaka, driving via car hire between the two. I then booked the flights and was getting excited to go.

A couple of days before leaving for our trip when we contacted the resort, we found the flights were booked for this year and the accommodation for next year!

We contacted 7Across who were wonderful and managed to get us Bonus Weeks at Mt Hutt and Lake Taupo so we didn't need to cancel our flights.

We then had two wonderful holidays (both last year and this year) and my brother from the UK was even able to join us on the latter. 7Across were wonderful!"

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