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The primary account contact may log in using either a member number or email address. All additional account contacts may log in using an email address registered with 7Across.

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Local Resort Disclaimer
As a reminder, this is a fluid situation with government authorities continuously updating guidance and restrictions continuously, which could further impact your travel plans. If you have specific questions please contact the resort directly prior to booking.

Custom Match Disclaimer
Starting on May 11th, 2020, we are suspending custom match requests for start dates until December 2020 which will allow our members who want to vacation, to select from inventory that has recently opened up in 2020 and 2021. All existing requests during this period have been canceled, so inventory is instantly available for members who are looking to vacation again. This new enhancement is intended to remove barriers and provide additional options for you to find the best destination and vacation option to fit your preferences, at the right time of year. We anticipate relaunching the new enhanced custom match benefit in December 2020, subject to change. Please note that to the extent you previously submitted a request that has yet to be fulfilled, this new change means that absent a change in circumstances, your prior match request will not be fulfilled during this time. However, we invite you to visit DAElive.com or call us today to review inventory options.

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