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Our members are number one here at DAE,
and the security of your timeshare ownership is our utmost priority.

The Australian Timeshare and Holiday Ownership Council (ATHOC) have recently issued a consumer warning:

“Be wary of anyone advertising or calling out of the blue wanting to buy your timeshare or promising that you can simply exit your timeshare at your current resort.

Even if they appear to have all of your information, you can rest assured that no resort will hand over their data base to any outside company. Always check with ATHOC or your resort or management company first before you hand over any credit card details. If the offer sounds too good, then it is likely to be too good!

Also be very wary should a company ask you to pay up front to get out of your timeshare. No matter what reasons they give you, do not part with your money.

Above all, you should always make sure that you deal with a licensed operator and member of ATHOC.”

If you would like more information, please click below to visit the ATHOC website:

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