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The primary account contact may log in using either a member number or email address. All additional account contacts may log in using an email address registered with 7Across.

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We have some good news!

Our friendly DAE UK team have opened up the phone lines and are now taking calls from our valued Middle East members, in English.

Unfortunately, our old number (which you may have used before) will no longer be active. Instead, you will be able to contact them on the following UK number (international charges will apply): +44 1756 747 082.

Our exChange agents will be available Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm, UK (GMT) Time.

We are working on getting a toll-free number set up and will advise you as soon as possible once this is available. In the meantime, if you do not wish to make an international call, we would be happy to call you. Just send an email to infoegypt@daelive.com including your DAE member number and best contact number and the team will be in touch.

For members who do not feel comfortable communicating in English, we will in time have the ability to take calls in Arabic. Until this time, please continue to communicate with us via email (infoegypt@daelive.com) or Facebook.

Thank you very much for your patience over this transition period. We are excited to begin taking your calls again and we look forward to sending you on some exciting adventures in 2019 and beyond.

Happy exchanging,
Team DAE

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